Category: Uncategorized

  • Registration for COMA’s 44th Clark Rogerson Foray Is Now Open

    2024 CLARK ROGERSON FORAY Registration for COMA’s 44th Clark Rogerson Foray (9/27/24 to 9/30 24) is now OPEN. The overnight accommodations at this location (Berkshire Hills Eisenberg Camp, Copake, NY) are similar to those of a motel; all guest rooms have their own private bathroom & shower, and the home-cooked meals (the camp can accommodate…

  • Spore Blast: 2024 Mushroom Sightings

    What have you found? Post your finds from around Broome NY, Tioga NY, and Susquehanna PA below – and check back to see what others are finding!

  • Recipes From Members

    Sulfur Shelf and Artichoke Bake (Barbara Turner) Saute onion and mushrooms in butter until tender. Add artichokes. Pour in small casserole dish Combine melted butter with bread crumbs to make a crumble and use to top casserole. Sprinkle desired amount of grated cheese. Bake in 350 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes until artichokes…

  • Volunteers Wanted

    WE NEED YOUR HELP!!  In order for our forays to go smoothly, we are asking for your help.  We need volunteers to help the officers of the club in four areas:  setting up the tables, etc. beforehand, welcoming and signing in participants, bringing a dish to pass, and taking down the tables and recycling the…

  • Resources

    SOME BOOKS AND WEBSITES HELPFUL IN MUSHROOM IDENTIFICATION  WEBSITES (Michael Kuo):  Champignons du Québec:  SOME USEFUL HANDBOOKS:  Arora, David. Mushrooms Demystified. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, 1986.  Baroni, Timothy J. Mushrooms of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. Timber Press Field Guide. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2017.  Bessette, Alan and Arleen R.…